Day 13: My 30-day morning run challenge

It has been 13 days and I'm peeved that I am still unable to cover distances like Mo Farrah!

Can Ingrid change her identity in just 30-days from someone who absolutely HATES exercising to one who runs like a Gazelle in the park with utter joy in her heart? To change your lifestyle check out IngridMarsh.com

Using her #TakeTheStairs ideology and life lessons, Ingrid Marsh shares the progress and pains of her mental and physical transformation.

Her deeper message is that nothing is beyond you. That although the gap from where you are to where you want seems insurmountable, if you believe change is possible, you'll actually see a very useful set of stairs. A message especially useful for women and those from minority groups whose talents are often determined by their gender, race, age and the like, and as a result, often face more setbacks. #TaketheStairs builds mental resilience and empowers participants to adopt the mindset and identity necessary to propel themselves beyond their usual boundaries.

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