Motivational Speaker and Workshops - Bringing Hope through skills in resilience, mindfulness and inner confidence

 HOPE: A dynamic motivational speaker on the power of YET and Don't Believe the Lies: Everything and Anything is Possible

"I'm on a mission to help women and men elevate their consciousness above what often feels like a dark, challenging time. To free them from the labels that unconsciously limit them. For them to be strong enough mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally to power through the hurdles that come their way and be all they were meant to be."

 Ingrid is a Motivational Speaker, NLP Practitioner, Holistic Empowerment Coach, Broadcaster and Growth Mindset Guru. She is also an Actor and Presenter. Her poem, The Blind Side, has been published in a collection of poems called 'Words by' and funded by Unicef. With her work on unconscious bias prevalent in the tech we create, she is also a member of the @IEEE AI ethics committee. Described by Google and more as a fantastic public speaker, she is a serial entrepreneur who has owned everything from a lifestyle shop in Islington to a tech online food marketplace. In her earlier career, she worked in Account Management for ICV serving financial institutions such as JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley. Her work includes voice-over radio ads on the BBC and as a life coach columnist for The South London Press and Asian Star Radio. She has appeared as an expert on Nick Ferrari's LBC show and joined panels on OH TV Sky alongside MP Tessa Jowell and Olympian Will Bayley.

Live Testimonial

The Badass Gal, The Motivational Runner


For most of her life, Ingrid refused to define herself or her abilities based on her stereotype. That was all except for one area. She was a child of a single parent. Her father didn't want to know her, so she felt she was incomplete for that label.

Her father had left her mother when she was pregnant with Ingrid for her mother's niece - her first cousin. Her mother nonetheless, was the first badass Ingrid knew. Her mother's response to this pain and tragedy was a simple one: "You're not going to be able to look at my children," she told us she said to herself, "and be able to say they came from a single mother."

Her mother worked around the clock. She purchased and raised her seven children in a five-bedroom house. They were fed 'five fat meals every day'. Their school uniforms were purchased from the prestigious White Hall Clothiers, and their shoes were only from Clarks.

It would be true to say, nonetheless, that Ingrid went into broadcasting and mastered the art of public speaking in the vain hope that her father would see her name one day and squirm with regret.

After over forty years of trying to get back at her father, however, it was one rainy day in a pub in Balham that Ingrid suddenly realised she was mentally, spiritually and emotionally exhausted. Her quest to get back at her father had brought her to her knees. 

That is when she suddenly said to herself, enough is enough. She was complete, she decided, just the way she jolly well was. Holding her pen like a knife, she scribbled her father's name on a napkin, went outside and burnt it.
Holding her pen like a knife, she scrawled her father's name on a napkin, went outside and burnt it.
She cried and, at that moment, forgave him for abandoning her, but most importantly, she forgave herself for giving him the power to define her worth.

Ingrid then decided to put the skills she had acquired in broadcasting and public speaking to get back at her to use better. She decided to empower women to ditch the negative beliefs around their stereotype and to recognise that perfection is in the imperfection and that with self-belief and repetition of key skills, nothing is, in fact, beyond them.


Despite being a single mother herself, Ingrid's son studied economics and politics at a leading Russell Group University of Nottingham and then his Masters at Law at another, namely, The University Exeter f Exetr  ,at the tender age of 22. However, in order for her son to reach his full potential, as a single mother, Ingrid has had to move him three times from schools with limited expectations of black boys. One of those moves was mid-secondary from a school riddled with unconscious biases and discrimination. Despite an impeccable behavioural record and leaving his primary school witstraighthfives inin his SATs, they refused him and those of the same racand ability thehe opportunity to do treble science in their GCSEs.

In the new school however, where she had moved him to mid-secondary, one with a growth mindset and with their unconscious biases in check, among a string of A's and A*'s in all academic subjects in his GCSE's, in the treble science he was previously denied, he achieved an A* in Physics, an A* in Biology and an A* in Chemistry. Further evidence that stereotyping and our unconscious biases are preventing women and minority groups from reaching their full potential. He is one of the only few (0.054%) of black British boys under the age of 25 to have attended a Russel Group University. In fact he attended two.


All what happened with Ingrid's son took an impact on her health however, and brought her to her knees. Nevertheless, she decided to empower women further, as a result of her pain. She did this by totally transforming her health at age 50 by running every day for 30-days in the rain and killer snow the media dubbed the Beast From the East and vlogged it. Looking nothing like the stereotypical park runner, it was to demonstrate growth mindset. To illustrate that age, race, outward characteristics, social status or the size of your butt, have nothing to do with your ability. To further demonstrate that through the gentle art of placing one foot in front of the other, you can make the seemingly impossible, possible.

The Badass Gal, the running motivator


She became a successful actor in her fifties also acting alongside James Bond actor Colin Salmon, comedian James Walsh and appearing on the BBC's Michael McIntyre Big Show, to name but a few. 

Prior to this, as a single mother, fifteen years ago, she founded the prestigious French lifestyle store Max-Oliver's, which was named after her son,  in Islington. It turned over a quarter of a million within just a few months of trading. She owneproperties andd  ,with no family suppot  ,funded her son's private school education. Indeed, Ingrid bought her first property at age 23. A three bedroom semi-detached in the Guildford Suburbs. Although it ultimately didn't bring her fulfilment as the sheer ambition that got her there was to get back at her father.

Ingrid also retrained as a Chandler and Master Herbalist in her fifties to bring a more holistic approach to her work. To ensure we all were not only mentally strong but were spiritually and emotionally strong also.

Herbalist Ingrid Marsh - herbal loose tea



We all live with the knowledge that there are certain rules we have to follow or fulfil when it comes to being a woman (and increasingly a man). While society portrays only one type of stereotypical woman in the media, however, the overall impact of stereotype threat is widespread. It erodes women's self-esteem and stifles creativity. Research also shows unconscious biases and fixed mindset cultures also impacts our wellbeing and through becoming self-fulfilling prophecies, prevent women from reaching their full potential. The situation is compounded further for fear of eliciting what is known as stereotype threat. This is where women and those from minority groups are reluctant to try anything new for fear of confirming the stereotype of their social group. 


Ingrid Marsh Personal Development Coach redefining charisma

Dubbed the Oprah for this generation, Attendees describe her talks and workshops as being more like experiences that take audiences on a mind-blowing journey. Ingrid has empowered hundreds of women to ditch their unconscious biases and limiting beliefs around their gender, race, bodies and marital status, to name but a few; to express their individuality and to achieve extraordinary success in both their professional and personal lives. 

This pathway to awakening youinnerewarrior revolutionisesehow wewe tackle women's resilience and confidenceo Swiss psychologist Carl Ju states thatg, your inner warrior is a fundamental universaarchetype thatt  ,whecultivateded,  equips you with the resilience, confidence and courage to  overcome fears and reach unlimited goals. Described as game-changing, it ignites passion and resilience, boosts self-confidence and inspires greater self-belie

T   programmdoes this bygh getting participants to slow down ano propel beyond the limitations of gender roles, a,ge and race. 



With the growth of our unconscious biases and stereotypes being perpetuated in Artificial Intelligence, her other signature talks/workshops include: Busting Bias in AI. It raises awareness of the unconscious biases being perpetuated in artificial intelligence, how it erodes women's confidence and wellbeing, and what we can do to mitigate its impact. Please also sign campaign here: Please sign here

Unleash The Badass Gal Within Talk


Scientific research, such as that from Dr. Carol Dweck, highlights that ability is not solely a result of genetics but is learned. Ingrid’s work has also been developed and tested from working with children at a Saturday school and teaching communication and public speaking skills to executives. It proved that learnable techniques and environment largely makes the difference to ability and not DNA.


Her talks and workshops especially empower women to not to see themselves stereotypically, but rather, to bring their whole selves to work, express themselves fully, unleash lashings amount of creativity and to be strong. An outcome that helps organisations to boost engagement, happiness and productivity. 

By the end of her talks, participants will be equipped with tools to: 

  • Rock a new, unshakeable level of self-belief
  • Bring their authentic selves to work and unleash new levels of creativity 
  • Adopt a growth rather than a fixed mindset, be more inclusive and propel beyond their usual boundaries
  • Be empowered to speak up and speak out compellingly
  • Bring their unique ideas, solutions and perspectives to the table
  • Dissolve the limiting beliefs holding them back 
  • Acquire more power, presence, and personal impact 
  • Communicate their vision with confidence  

If you and or, your team are ready to disconnect from the gender stereotypes that is unconsciously clipping your wings, build badass resilience and boost creativity then, contact us.

Interview on Hayes FM

Ingrid Marsh, aka, The Resilient Woman, uses a medley of mindfulness and personal development tools to empower women to dissolve their fears, propel beyond the limitations of gender roles, age and race and to reach their full potential. 


The motivational runner, The Badass Gal

If your team are ready to soar with confidence through adopting a more resilient, badass mindset and to increase engagement, productivity and creativity through tapping into their innate power book Ingrid for a Talk Today.

Ingrid provides breakout sessions, workshops, joins panels and is a keynote orator who has been described by Google and more as a fantastic public speaker.

Book Ingrid Marsh, aka, The Resilient Woman today using the form below.


Ingrid Marsh is a phenomenal and captivating speaker! Ingrid gave our Closing Keynote and not only did she capture our audience, she also related to each and every one of them. This in itself is a characteristic of a phenomenal speaker. Ingrid carried the audience along on her journey AND actively made them a part of her delivery. She bravely shared her most personal struggles and showed vulnerability which truly inspired and connected with the audience. She was truthful, blunt and 100% transparent as she spoke to the audience of Career minded Women in Business.

Jessica Ajayi, Event Organiser  - Get Supply Ready.  


“Ingrid Marsh is a fantastic public speaker!” 

— Google Campus

"Always love listening to the wonderful Ingrid Marsh"
 — Robert McCargow, PWC, Artificial Intelligence Programme Leader and the 38th most influential person in the world in AI.  

"Just wanted to say thank you for the talk on Monday. It has certainly got us thinking about the unconscious bias that might exist in the work we do. We spend a lot of time trying to avoid personal bias, that's important for great design but I've never really considered there might be a gender, race, social bias lurking within the design patterns we choose. It's helpful to be reminded of where our blind spots might be. Thanks again.

-- Elliot Engers - Co-Founder and CEO of Infinity Health

Ingrid is fire!! Innovative, Engaging, Raw.”

— Lanre Atijosan - The Beauty Bank

“Great opening presentation by Ingrid Marsh. Thought provoking indeed!”


“Great energy, great speaker, great inspiration with some wonderful tips too.”

— Sara Stafford-Williams

“I echo the too! Great event last night. Loved the vibe and the positive energy in the room.”

— Parwinder Da, le

“Wonderful event! Love what you are doing and stand for. ”

— Natasha Hayles

“If I wore a wig, could I come to your courses too?” — Michael G