TV: The Badass Gal talks to Josie Hough about getting badass on body confidence

Have you suffered from low body confidence?

In this Stories on A Sunday Series, I touched base with Badass Josie Hough. Josie is giving the Body Confidence movement a much needed kick up the ass. She had issues with her body since she was aged six and so is peeved at who and what she believes is behind this body confidence epidemic.
If you're tired of the constant negative narrative in your mind that you have about your body, check this out. This is an interview not to be missed.

(See her badass bio below)

Josie's Bio

I’m 24 years old and I’m an advocate for mental health and body positivity. My aim is to share the experiences of my own journey in the hope that it will help others, knowing that they are not alone. I want to encourage discussion about the real reasons behind the confidence, self-esteem and body image problems which are so prevalent amongst women of all ages today, but particularly the younger generation who have been exposed to social media during their developmental years. I believe the patriarchy and capitalism are at the root of all body image and mental health problems for women and by getting angry, we can fight back against body shame and the associated mental health impacts. I’ve come a long way but I want to feel even more confident in myself and in so doing I hope it will inspire others to do the same. 

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