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Where we...

  • Celebrate our uniqueness and be more of who we are and less of who we think we should be
  • Are able to be our authentic selves in everything we do
  • Work towards having a voice and standing for something
  • Are aware that the only thing that cannot be copied are ourselves 
  • Make a conscious effort to not be influenced by advertising about ourselves and others that are steeped stereotypes 
  • Are not playing small
  • Step into our greatness and turn up the light inside of ourselves 
  • Realise that the perfection, is in fact, in the imperfection
  • Define our own normal and dance to the rhythm of our own drum
  • Do not judge ourselves or others by their gender, race, social class, age, religion, ability, sexuality, but rather, by the content of their hearts
  • Celebrate our differences that together make a whole

Ingrid Marsh - Founder